AMUEEE 2019 Admission

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is one of the best most Universities in India, Certified as "A" review by NAAC. This University is the fantasy University for each understudy. Consistently AMU sorts out many selection tests AMUEEE is one of them. On the premise of these exams, understudies are permitted to take admissions in AMU. AMUEEE is additionally one those selection test directed by AMU Controller.
AMU manages every single piece of training like Arts, Agricultural Sciences, Commerce, Engineering and Technology, Law and so forth., each involving a few Departments of Studies. Understudies who qualify this passage test is offered admission to the B.Tech degree program of AMU.AMUEEE is required to be led in the long stretch of April 2019. So be set up for this passageway test. Read the full information underneath to present your AMUEEE Application form.

AMUEEE 2019 Important Dates

Application submission starts from
6 February 2019
Deadline to submit application form
9 March 2019
Entrance Examination Date
13 May 2019
Admit card download
2/3 weeks before the date of exam
Result Announcement
May 2019
Date of Admission/Counselling
May/June 2019
AMUEEE 2019 Eligibility Criteria
  • You should be no less than 24 years old as on December 31st of consistently or at the season of registration.
  • You probably passed your twelfth from perceived state or focal board with at least half accomplished in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English.
  • In the event that you have done confirmation in Engineering program from AMU with at least half then you are additionally qualified to apply for AMUEEE 2019.
AMUEEE 2019 Exam Pattern
  • Inquiries asked in AMUEEE will be target sort as it were.
  • every one of the inquiries will be subjective from Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
  • The inquiry paper will be of 150 inquiries conveys 1 stamp each. Ther is no negative stamping
  • The time given to finish your exam will be 3 hours/2 hours individually observe the table underneath for every exam.

Name of Programmes
Test Duration
B. E. Evening
2 hours
B. Tech
3 hours
B. Arch (Papaer I)
3 hours
B. Arch (Paper II)
3 hours
How to fill AMUEEE 2019 application form?
  • You can fill your application through on the web or offline mode. You need to visit the official site of AMU, tap on Application form.
  • When application form shows up on your screen read every one of the directions deliberately before filling application.
  • You need to fill your own and scholastic subtle elements, recall every one of the points of interest you enter must be valid according as far as anyone is concerned.
  • In the wake of entering subtle elements you need to present your application fees online installment passage utilizing Internet keeping money, Debit or Mastercard.
  • Keep every one of the printouts for sometime later.
  • Transfer your examined late visa estimate photo and signature and afterward present your form.
AMUEEE 2019 Admit Card Download
  • Admit card is the essential archive which is required with the end goal of showing up in the exam without admit card you won't be permitted to sit for an exam.
  • You need to carry your admit card alongside one character verification (ID) at the exam focus.
  • The examiner may check your substantial admit card and after that allow you to enter the examination lobby and show up for the test.
  • On the off chance that you discover any mistake in the admit card, you can contact the specialist promptly and complete it redress.
  • You are not permitted to bring any electronic gadgets cell phones, adding machine, devices won't be allowed in the examination corridor.
AMUEEE 2019 Syllabus
Every one of the inquiries in the exam will originate from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics which depends on the twelfth standard. begin getting ready from your subjects from the books of twelfth standard.
AMUEEE 2019 Result
  • The result will be reported probably in the long stretch of May 2019, you can check your result by means of online on the site of AMU straightforwardly.
  • The admission in Engineering will absolutely rely upon the performance of the candidates secured in AMUEEE 2019.
  • The last legitimacy rundown will be arranged soon once the imprints secured in twelfth joined with marks in this passageway which is trailed by the AMU.
  • Not long after the affirmation of the AMUEEE 2019 result, candidates who qualified will be shortlisted welcomed from AMU for the guiding process.
  • Amid a counselling session, you need to convey your everything the first scholarly archives for the check.
  • Once the directing is over you need to answer to the school which you are dispensed on the predefined date.
AMUEEE 2019 Counselling Process
All the qualified candidates will be required a counselling session to take admission in designing project offered by AMU. You need to bring all your unique reports for confirmation to the Director/Principal/Dean or Coordinator, at that point following 3 months, the college will restore your stamp sheet.
The main counselling will happen probably in the long stretch of June 2019 and second counselling will occur likely in the period of July 2019.
